About Us


We are Nigeria's foremost instructive books publishers!

UNISERVE PUBLISHERS LTD has been into publishing of educational text books for different range of classes starting from Pre-nursery class to Basic Six and JSS 1 2 3 levels.

However, our progressive product has been tremendously recognized and accepted nationwide both on Private and Public Schools in Nigeria
With our years of existence, the company has published several children educational text books in order to contribute its quota to the productions of books for Nigerians and other Africa child.
As a starting point UNISERVE believes that elementary education is very important as it lays the foundation for other stages of higher learning. Hence the company has chosen to publish books for children at the pre-primary / primary and higher stages of education.

UNISERVE books serves as a natural starter for children, as we cater for their reading needs from the early years to other stages, the books are written by season authors in line with the approved curriculum of the Nigeria Education Research Development Council (NERDC)

The company has over the years, published books in the following categories:-

1. Pre-primary books: – This category ranges from books of Figures and Letters, to Colorings, Universal English and Mathematics.

2. Primary School Books: – This primary school books engross Standard Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning, Introduction to Health Education and Basic Computer & Information Technology and French, Effective Basic Science, Vocational Aptitude all are in book 1 to 6 categories.

UNISERVE PUBLISHERS LTD is one of the few publishers in Nigeria with its own press, so the organization exercises full control of the production process, from manuscript to books, thus ensuring high quality books and availability throughout the year.

Above all, the company has ever since the inception of books on contract for various customizes state government demand.

Mr Owokoya Ezekiel Alaba
CEO/Managing Director